Featured Member: Mo Kenney

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Mo Kenney delivers a powerful punch with her third record. A promising young singer-songwriter is now a dynamic artist with a collection of attitude-driven indie rock that will pull at your heartstrings. Mo has won numerous awards and captivated audiences with performances in Australia, Europe, the UK and the US.

How did you get your start as a creator in the industry?

I started playing guitar when I was 11 years old and immediately fell in love. I didn’t start writing songs until I was 14 or 15. I loved music so much that I knew I wanted to pursue a career in some capacity. Joel Plaskett really gave me my start. We met when I was 16 and in my early 20’s we ended up working together on my first record. Without his guidance and mentorship I wouldn’t be where I am today! He is still the person I go to if I want an opinion on any new music I’m working on.

Do you write for other recording/performing artists?

I have collaborated with other artists on songs that have ended up on their records, or that they have ended up recording for themselves. I didn’t co-write until I attended the Gordie Sampson Songwriting Camp when I was 21. I’m so thankful for that experience because it taught me how to write with other writers. It’s not something I do very often, but every once in a while I’ll co-write with someone.

How did you learn your craft – was it “formal” or “informal” music education?

I started guitar lessons at the Canadian Conservatory when I was 11. I took lessons for about 4 years and then stopped. I taught myself how to finger pick and I taught myself how to sing.

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