S.A.C. Leaders Meet with ISED to Advocate for Music Creators in the Age of Generative AI

Advocacy, Copyright, GenAI

Today, the Songwriters Association of Canada (S.A.C.) took a significant step in our ongoing advocacy efforts by meeting with officials from the Department of Innovation, Science, and Economic Development (ISED). S.A.C. President Arun Chaturvedi and Chair Greg Johnston led the discussion, addressing the profound threats posed to music creators by the rapid and unchecked development of generative AI tools.

A central topic of the meeting was the CIAM/Fair Trade Music International (FTMI) White Paper on the fair remuneration of music creators, which S.A.C. had previously provided to ISED. The Policy Advisor at ISED commended the White Paper, describing it as one of the most comprehensive and technically clear solutions he has encountered. This positive feedback underscores the vital importance of our work and reinforces the need for ongoing vigilance in advocating for creators’ rights.

During the discussion, Arun emphasized the necessity for music creators to have their voices heard, a point that resonated strongly. The conversation also highlighted the critical need for transparency in AI processes and explored the potential of licensing AI tools as a new revenue stream for music creators.

Bill C-27, which addresses various aspects of AI regulation, was another significant focus of the discussion.

This meeting marks a positive step forward in our mission to protect the rights and livelihoods of Canadian songwriters and creators in the rapidly evolving digital landscape. We will continue to keep our members informed as we work toward securing a fair and equitable future for songwriters in Canada.

Thank you for your continued support as we navigate these critical issues.

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